Upcoming Event - HackerX Toronto - June 20, 4-7pm MDT

I was invited, Virtual Event, figured good chance for my teenage son to get practice, and a new Brazilian IT friend.
HackerX - Toronto (D&I) 06/20 (Virtual) Tickets, Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite
Application Form (non PPI)
- Primary Position: DevOps
- Current Job Title: Lead Software Developer
- Experience Level: More Than 15 years
- Education: Other
- Skills: Agile Android AngularJS Bootstrap C++ C C# Clojure CSS .NET Elixir Ember.js Erlang F# Go Haskell HTML iOS Java JavaScript jQuery Kotlin Node.js Perl PHP Python R Programming React Ruby Ruby on Rails Rust Scala SQL Swift Golang Unity Vue.js
- Do you have experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML)?:
- Yes
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/GregSweats/
- Current Company (To ensure your employer isn’t attending): Dalyle DevOps Inc.
- Current City: Okotoks
- Are you open to remote work?: Yes
- Willing to relocate?: Maybe
- Please Confirm: I am not a consultant, freelancer, or contractor soliciting business.
- Data Privacy: I understand my information may be shared with employers at the event and I’ll receive a hackerx.org account to review offers.