Recent Work with Cosmic Themes

Circa (pretentious word in my head, yours too?);
2024Q1-Q2 I Discover Astro
…or, Astro discovers me?!
This is NOT about the dog from the Jetsons, but the AMAZING “framework?”, “Static Site Generator (SSG)’, … that is known as Astro
I am BEGINNER with Astro. To be honest with you, I still don’t actually know what it does. But what I do know, is working in the FE is a piece of cake! I am a BE developer by trade, but far more full-stack and full-full-stack than most.
✔️ I Needed Wanted
Online Identity Homepage (Portfolio? Linktree?)
Template for a business I want to work with
Template for my business
Template for, my teenage son and my new
“Organization to Help Fat Fathers Connect with their Teenage Children”- If you take the “their” out of that mission statement, it sounds super duper creepy.
Template for something else?
I See Galaxy
I saw a super pretty theme ("Galaxy")
and decided it was a bargain to buy the very cooly named author’s All Access One-Time Purchase plan.
I have been ever so impressed since! This dev knows what he is doing!
- This website!
- Very small (~3 pages) but nicer than old one.
“Helping Fat Fathers connect with their teenagers”
- Trying the “naked domain” thing, but I think I prefer when sharing.
- www 301 redirects to naked domain so all-good?
- A company I want to work with 😉.
- Customized first top of page to see if they are in.
📷 Screenshots
#wip #todo #80percent